Targa Menu XML
Samples of the menu (more colors configurations), rollover the buttons to see how it works:
Targa menu XML is a menu made in flash but it does not require flash to run, you can use almost any HTML editor to insert the menu in a web page, it is a simple flash file (swf file), the menu can be customized by editing a configuration file (the XML file) that will be placed in the same directory with the menu, so you can customize the menu using any text editor.
Here are the options that you can set by it`s configuration file:
- Background file, this can be a jpg like the samples above or a swf file
(animation, banners etc)
- Buttons text - Buttons URL to open
- The target frame of the URL to open (same window, new window...)
- Menu color and transparency
- Rollover effect color and it`s transparency
- Buttons text color - Rollover delay, the milliseconds to wait until the menu will move up (or down) when mouse is over it.
- Buttons text color on rollover
- Sound effects volume (from 0 to 100)
- (new) Buttons size
- (new) Buttons color can now be different for main buttons and sub buttons
- (new) Blinking corner enabled / disabled
- (new) Menu speed (up speed and down speed)
- (new) Change menu type (popup or drop down menu)
- (new) Buttons actions (open a link, go to a keyframe, load a movie, call a function and more...)
- (new) Unlimited number of buttons and sub buttons.
Here is how the configuration file looks for this xml flash menu:
The menu is very simple to configure, you just have to edit the lines like the ones marked in the picture above.
To add buttons you can just copy / paste text lines.
To remove buttons: remove the text line. Menu background can be a jpg or a swf file, by a swf you can place your banners under the menu as background, the bg file is set in menu`s configuration file by a line like: bg_file="bg1.swf".
Buy Targa Menu XML, you can have it in few moments, download will start at the end of the payment. You will get the full source code, the XML config file and instructions.